Monday, May 26, 2014

A Tribute to MH370 - While We Have The Time

The title itself have a deep and valuable meaning. It reminds me of the followings:

While we have the time, appreciate and respect our parents
While we have the time, spend our times with our family and love ones
While we have the time, educate our children with good values
While we have the time, show honorable example to the young
While we have the time, do something for the good of other people instead of just for ourselves
While we have the time, forgive and forget others
While we have the time, do something that is not in vain
While we have the time, repent from our sins
While we have the time, never give up
While we have the time, avoid from participating crimes
While we have the time, quit from our bad habits and addiction
While we have the time, get enough rest
While we have the time, stop eating a lot of junk food
While we have the time, work out and exercise
While we have the time, live in a healthy lifestyle
While we have the time, prepare for the future
While we have the time, save some money for the future
While we have the time, drive safe
While we have the time, don't drink and drive
While we have the time, blah blah blah blah ... ...  ...  ....

This could go on and on...

The main point is, do good while we still have the to do it, and avoid from doing bad things while we still have time to avoid it.



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