Thursday, May 29, 2014

Understanding Halal Certification Schemes

Please note this is not about halal food. Q Society's spokesman Andrew Horwood points out: "Halal food itself is not of concern. Nearly all our food is naturally permissible to Muslims and observant Muslims can make food of unknown origin halal by proclaiming 'bismillah' over the food before eating.*

What is of concern are the recently invented certification schemes, designed to permeate the supply chain from feeding trough to super market shelves and restaurant kitchens; including many non-food goods and services.

According to meat industry groups and research, two thirds of chicken and lamb meat and over half the beef sold in Australia now comes from Halal-certified suppliers. Most dairy products as well as other food and many non-food items are certified to sharia standards, but not always labelled.

Islamic organizations have estimated the value of the global halal certification market at USD 2.3 trillion in 2013, growing by 20% per year. No other religious group has imposed a similar tax-like scheme on the general public.

Investigative researchers in France, Canada and the USA have found links between halal certifying organisations and shop fronts for terrorist groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Similar research in Australia is yet to be undertaken.

Grand Mufti Dr Mustafa Ceric has suggested at an international conference in 2010, that Islam can conquer the world through the Halal (certification) movement.

We politely but firmly object. Q Society has three simple and fair policy proposals:

1. Apply the 'User Pays' principle If observant Muslims insist on special rituals and halal certification for their food, then Islamic community organisations should provide these services and cover the fees and extra expenses for the suppliers. Religion is always a contentious issue and should never be imposed onto others.

2. Insist on clear labelling All products and services from halal-certified suppliers should be clearly labelled by one standard symbol. This way the consumer can recognise when meat, meat-based products or other products and services come from halal-certified sources. Then consumers can make an informed decision

3. No more discrimination In most Australian abattoirs Muslim males only are employed as slaughterers. Non-Muslims and women are not halal. This is discrimination on religious and gender grounds. We understand that halal-slaughtered meat is important to observant Muslims. We propose if abattoirs require exemption from our non-discrimination laws, that they be owned and operated by a religious organisation. This is similar to religious schools, for which Australia allows certain exemptions from non-discrimination laws.

* Nowhere in Islamic scripture does it say Muslims should eat only halal-certified food. Most observant Muslims know perfectly well that nearly all our food is by default halal:

Koran Sura 2:173 (Al-Baqarah) reads: "He hath forbidden you only carrion, and blood, and swine flesh, and that which hath been immolated to any other than God. But he who is driven by necessity, neither craving nor transgressing, it is no sin for him. Lo! God is Forgiving, Merciful."

Koran Sura 5.5 (Al Ma'idah) prescribes: "The food of the People of the Book (that is Jewish and Christian people) is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them."

And from the hadith narrated by Aisha (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 273) Muslims know: "Some people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not." Allah's Apostle said, "Mention the name of Allah and eat it."

Action Points:

Watch our halal certification information video. Share it with your family and connections.

Read, download and distribute our Q on: Halal Food and Halal Certification paper and our petition form from our website qsociety dot org dot au

Pick up a stack of our "Why Swallow This?" fliers at the next Q meeting and do an hour of letter boxing each week in your neighbourhood.

Talk and write to your local state and federal MP and Senators. Ask them to consider our three policy proposals

When shopping ask for non-halal certified options. You are not a bad person if you do not want to support Islamic organisations with your shopping dollar.


Of pig DNA and social justice – Hamri Ibrahim & Daniel Iqram (29 May 2014)

Lately, the Malaysian populace, specifically Muslim Malays, were taken aback by the detection of porcine DNA by the Ministry of Health in two products by the chocolate manufacturer Cadbury.

Following the incident, Jakim (the supreme authority on Islamic affairs in the country) suspended with immediate effect the halal certificates for the chocolate bars Dairy Milk Hazelnut and Dairy Milk Roast Almond.

It has stirred anger amongst Malaysian Muslims, as they are of the perception that their trust in Cadbury to market halal products has been betrayed.

The widespread displeasure in the company has resulted in a multitude of criticisms and negative reactions. Most recently, an organisation claiming to collectively represent Islamic NGOs in Malaysia declared jihad against the company.

In a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, the president of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Darul Islah Malaysia (a welfare body) called for holy war against Cadbury for their alleged attempts to ‘weaken’ the Muslim community in Malaysia.

Meanwhile, the Allied Coordinating Committee of Islamic NGOs demanded that Cadbury bear the cost of blood exchange transfusions for Muslims who had consumed the chocolate prior to the aforementioned exposure.

In addition, there were those who suggested that they rinse their mouths with soil water (as an analogy to the cleansing practice decreed by a minority of scholars for the contact of human skin with pigs).

Furthermore, the president of Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (the Muslim Consumer Association of Malaysia) urged Cadbury to shut down its factories and beseeched Muslims to boycott its products.

Even more extreme were those who proposed that the factories be burned down altogether.

It is most certainly decreed in Islam that pigs and products thereof are forbidden for consumption by Muslims; Cadbury Malaysia was clearly in the wrong to have used porcine elements in their confection, in light of this fact.

This move, which circumstantially involved false advertising, deservedly drew enormous surprise from the nation’s adherents of the Islamic faith.

However, the over-reaction in this circumstance has made it appear as if Muslims are excessively sensitive in matters of accidental consumption, to the point that other, more pressing injustices (such as gambling, corruption, the imbibing of alcohol, adultery, and the throwing away of babies) have been overshadowed.

The effect is doubly sordid when common sense says that those who commit sin without knowing, surely cannot be blamed.

This tidal lashback from the Malays seems to dissociate daily living rulings pertinent to food consumption from those related to social harmony and governance. Do these rulings not come from the same God?

As Muslims, we have been taught from young that impurity of food results in impurity of flesh, the consequence of which is punishment in Purgatory. Thus, food consumption is treated with vigilance in a Muslim household.

Nevertheless, few are aware of the fact that acquiring wealth via illicit means, such as gambling and corruption, impacts in the same way that porcine product ingestion does. And food which is obtained from that impure wealth will result in the same punishment; never mind the fact that gambling and corruption bring harm to those surrounding the individual in question as well.

In a more practical example, the fabric which holds together the people of a nation will surely be disrupted by widespread corruption. Felons will live as they wish to and are free to go about their wrongdoings as they please, without fear for the law. Consequently, crime and social ills will increase in number following the unjust conduct of the responsible authorities.

In this setting of Malaysia as a multi-racial and multi-religious country, the typical reaction of Muslims in facing such issues often gives rise to confusion and misunderstanding of the non-Muslim society regarding authentic Islamic teachings.

Moreover, ever since the shaman incident at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport around two months back, Malaysia has often been thrown into the limelight whenever Muslim concerns arise, albeit frequently for the wrong reasons.

It inadvertently paints a negative picture of Muslims in Malaysia as a whole, even though the reality may be that the fewer, more level-headed ones think not in the same careless, unrefined fashion as the majority.

Thus, perceivedly necessary acts such as arson, blood exchange transfusions and rinsing mouths with soil water may be seen as extreme by outsiders and are misrepresentative of the proper image of Islam.

However grave the matter at hand, we must face it with rationality and not be emotion-driven. Islam as rahmatal lil-‘alaamin (the blessing to the universe) has always taught its adherents civility and affection towards others.

At the same time, the relevant authorities must take strict action against Cadbury to ensure that such an occurrence does not repeat itself in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary for Malaysian Muslims to practise wisdom when dealing with any sort of issue and not to counteract excessively.

These sort of situations should be actually capitalised on to show non-Muslims the correct Islamic teachings, based on the Quran and Sunnah (way of the Prophet).

What has happened instead is that they have resulted in the miscomprehension of others towards Muslims, and, most possibly, it has driven them further away from the faith. – May 29, 2014.

* Hamri Ibrahim & Daniel Iqram are readers of The Malaysian Insider.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

Cadbury assures Muslims its products are free of pork-related ingredients (30 May 2014)


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