Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mejar Zaidi Trial: GE13 Indelible Ink Issue

RMAF pilot’s trial: Witness quizzed over conflicting statements (12 June 2014)

The second witness in the court martial of Royal Malaysian Air Force pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad (pic) was today questioned over conflicting statements he had made regarding the woman who had accompanied Zaidi at a press conference on May 1 last year.

Zaidi's counsel Mohamed Hanipa Maidin pointed out to senior aircraftman Mohd Zuraidy Muchtar that he had, during his testimony yesterday, referred to the woman as an unidentified person.

However, in a statement recorded from Zuraidy on August 28 last year, he had said that Zaidi was accompanied by his wife.

"So one of your statements has to be inaccurate. Is it logical that one minute you recognise the accused's wife and the next you do not?" asked Mohamed Hanipa.
Zuraidy said when he testified yesterday, it was based on the events of May 1, not the statement of August 28.

He also said that his August 28 statement was not a sworn statement.

Zuraidy, who had also recorded Zaidi's press conference on the indelible ink issue with his mobile phone, said that he had done the right thing by deleting the video.

"A copy had been made and transferred to a laptop. The copy was transferred over so it was correct to delete the video," he said under cross-examination by Mohamed Hanipa.

When asked how it would be possible to find out if the copied version had been tampered with without an original to make a comparison, Zuraidy said he was following orders from his superior officer.

Zuraidy had been instructed, along with Sergeant Mohd Khairul Nizam Ishak who testified yesterday, to conduct surveillance on Zaidi on May 1 last year.

Khairul had told the court yesterday that he and Zuraidy had recorded the press conference held by Zaidi outside the Kepala Batas police station after he had lodged a report on the indelible ink issue.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that Zaidi was transferred three times since his indelible ink press conference on May 1.

Captain Nor Asyikin Mohd Azmi, the personnel service officer, told the court that a letter had been sent to Zaidi on May 2.

"The letter informed Zaidi that he was temporarily transferred to the human resource division as a staff officer.

"A second letter was sent to Zaidi on June 13 informing him of a temporary transfer to a different division as an assistant executive officer."

On June 30, Zaidi was again transferred, on a temporary basis, to the flight censor division as an assistant implementation officer.

Nor Asyikin told the court that there was no such position as an assistant executive officer at the RMAF Butterworth base.

However, upon being examined by prosecuting officer Captain Rose Anuar Arifin, Nor Asyikin admitted that it was just her opinion.

The five-man panel led by Colonel Saadon Ahmad then adjourned the trial until July 14.

On February 7, Zaidi was slapped with seven charges in the RMAF court and claimed trial.

The charges stemmed from his public complaints over the inefficacy of the indelible ink used to prevent repeat voting when it had been applied on him during early voting for the 13th general election.

If found guilty, Zaidi could lose his job and pension and face up to two years in jail.

The indelible ink was introduced in Election 2013 as a concession to one of electoral watchdog Bersih’s eight demands for free and fair elections. – June 12, 2014.

Jawatan baru Mejar Zaidi tiada dalam rekod (12 Jun 2014)

Mahkamah tentera hari ini diberitahu, Mejar Zaidi Ahmad ditukarkan ke satu jawatan yang tiada dalam rekod pengkalan selepas pegawai itu membuat laporan polis berkenaan dakwat kekal pada 1 Mei 2013.

Saksi ketiga pendakwaan, Kapten Norashikin Mohd Azmi yang bertugas sebagai pegawai perkhidmatan anggota di Pengkalan Udara Butterworth berkata, jawatan yang dimaksudkan itu adalah penolong pegawai eksekutif pengkalan.

"Perjawatan penolong pegawai eksekutif pengkalan – sebenarnya perjawatan ini tiada dalam rekod jawatan pengkalan," katanya sewaktu menjawab soalan peguam bela, Hanipa Maidin.

Hanipa sebelum itu meminta beliau membandingkan jawatan baru itu dengan jawatan lama Zaidi sebagai Pegawai Memerintah No 12 Skuadron.

Norashikin sebelum itu memberitahu mahkamah yang beliau bertugas "menyelenggara, mengemaskini serta menyimpan dokumen semua pegawai dan anggota lain-lain pangkat".

RMAF Pilot’s Trial: Witness says he was ordered to delete evidence (11 June 2014)

11 June 2014

The first witness in the court martial of Royal Malaysian Air Force pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad (pic) today testified that he was ordered to delete a video recording on his mobile phone which showed Zaidi's press conference on the indelible ink issue.

Sergeant Mohd Khairul Nizam Ishak, who was attached to RMAF Butterworth base, told the military court at the Sungai Besi RMAF base that he had deleted the recording after being instructed to do so by Lieutenant-Colonel Mohammad Rosli Yaakob, the director of the RMAF Provost Marshall Department.

The video recording had been taken during Zaidi's press conference regarding the indelible ink issue on May 1 last year near the Kepala Batas police station.

When cross-examined by Zaidi's legal counsel Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, Mohd Khairul agreed that deleting evidence was an offence.

However, he disagreed that he had committed an offence by deleting the video recording from his mobile phone as he was merely following orders. – June 11, 2014.

RMAF - Royal Malaysia Air Force


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