Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Perverse Logic of Utusan

Nowadays, news portal and internet has grown wider and has gone so viral. Especially regarding politics. Sometimes it can be very confusing for those who did not keeping up-to-date with the politics scenes and lack of knowledge about the country political backgrounds and updates. Yesterday I have read a news from MalaysiaKini titled "Umno = Malays, the perverse logic of Utusan" (27 May 2014) in replies to the previous news titled "Hina Umno sama dengan hina Melayu-Islam" (25 May 2014) which means "Insulting Umno means Insulting Muslim-Malay". It says that "According to Utusan, insulting PAS is insulting Malays and Islam too."

It seems like Utusan have their own hidden agenda or being manipulated by certain people for promoting hatreds between races and religion which leads to Racism. But Utusan has already been in-and-out of Courts recently including being sentence for "Dafamation" lately by Khalid Ibrahim, the Selongor MB (MalaysiaKini: Utusan mohon maaf pada Khalid Ibrahim). I think there must be anybody who have been supporting them in the area of financial, after all those cases. Political parties should not be double standard. They are suppose to have vission and mission for the good of this country disregarding race, religion and culture. What actually is the purpose of "1 Malaysia" slogan for? if they do not put their words into action. Read another story about Utusan here: Umno to plough RM40mil into Utusan Melayu (From 13 November 2013).

I've also read a news from TheMalaysianInsider titled, "Now, Zahid calls Chinese 'ungrateful' for voting DAP" where according to the news, Zahid said "It is the Malays and the Indians who help Chinese businessmen. And when they vote, they choose DAP. They are ungrateful.". From the words "Businessmen", there is one thing that has come to my mind. Business are actually a fair deal or trades (Goods/Service : Payment), where customer and seller get what they want fairly. Where the taxes are administered by the government itself. So why do he state that the chinese businessmen are ungrateful. Do they have debts with the government? Business is not the same thing with 'Rasuah' (Corruption). The statement seems like leaving us with a question mark, because it seems like there has been some kind of deals or scandals going on between them (Zahid-Chinese Businessmen). You might be shocked if you read his background:

I'm not accusing anybody, I'm just sharing this for us to ponder and learn to become a "Good listener and not easily judging others" person. No matter if it is from the Mainstream Mass Media or not. Now is the right time for the Government and authorities to prove that they are the man of their words, and convince all malaysians disregards of their backgrounds that they can feel safe living in this country. Stop doing insincere and last minutes action only during election and when people storming their voices over the Internet. (Read my post regarding Internet here.)



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