Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ISIS and the first Malaysian suicide bomber (TheStar)


14 June 2014

Trained militant : Ahmad Tarmimi has the dubious honour of being Malaysia’s first suicide bomber linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.

PETALING JAYA: Just a year ago, Ahmad Tarmimi Maliki was a quiet 26-year-old factory worker. Now, he has the dubious honour of being Malaysia’s first suicide bomber linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS).

He is credited with blowing up 25 elite Iraqi soldiers at Iraq’s SWAT headquarters in al-Anbar on May 26.

Reports state that Ahmad Tarmimi, who received militant training in Port Dickson at the end of last year, drove a military SUV filled with tonnes of explosives into the SWAT headquarters, blowing himself up in the process.

The bombing preceded an attack on the headquarters by ISIS commandos.

His exploits were published in the ISIS official website with the title, “Mujahidin Malaysia Syahid Dalam Operasi Martyrdom” with his photograph also featured.

The report also stated that the ISIS militants had seized a large weapon cache from the headquarters. It described Ahmad Tarmimi as the first Malaysian suicide bomber in Iraq.

Ahmad Tarmimi’s family members said their last meeting was in March before he left for the Middle East to further his Islamic studies.

He had been working in a factory in Selangor since 2012. While he did not act strangely, Ahmad Tarmimi had become more pious and more secretive, said his family.

From Facebook postings, it is learnt that Ahmad Tarmimi first went to Syria via Turkey before finally ending up in Iraq, where he turned suicide bomber.

Sources said the ISIS network had local links in South-East Asia, including Indonesia, and many youngsters were being lured to fight the war and die for their Muslim brothers in the Middle East.

ISIS was formed in April 2013 and grew out of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

According to Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium (http://www.­trackingterrorism.org), ISIS has extensive financial resources (mostly derived from alleged organised crime activities in areas of control as well as diaspora funds and unidentified financial sponsors from within Gulf states) as well as human capital that enable operations in various locations. This is seen in attacks executed in areas regarded as primarily Shi’a areas in Iraq, such as Najaf, Karbala, Kut and Wasit as well as bombings in Baghdad (Iraq).

ISIS has since become one of the main forces to launch attacks against government forces in Syria and Iraq.

Reports revealed that the final “S” in the acronym ISIS stems from the Arabic word “al-Sham”.

This can mean the Levant, Syria or even Damascus but in the context of the global jihad, it refers to the Levant, an area that now consists of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and part of southern Turkey.

The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the 2003 US-led invasion.

Trained militant : Ahmad Tarmimi has the dubious honour of being Malaysia’s first suicide bomber linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.

This is worrying! Terror-rising in Malaysia?
Peningkatan pengganas di M'sia cetus kebimbangan (TheAntDaily)

16 June 2014

COMMENT: A spate of recent cases linked to Malaysians being involved in terrorism has led some to say that this is starting to pose a serious problem to the country.

Especially with the recent revival of militancy in the Middle East and the string of “Arab Spring” popular uprisings and armed movements that overthrew long entrenched dictators fuelling local Muslim youths with the call of holy war or Jihad.

At a time when many local Muslims are lost in the maelstrom of modern life being seduced by solar powered bibles and translated copies of the Christian holy book and are trapped in the gritty day to day of surviving in the shambles of today’s economy, the tap on the shoulder to return to religion and contribute to its cause is one that appeals to many.

The latest was the alleged involvement of a Malaysian factory worker with the new face of Islamic militancy, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in a suicide bomb attack in Iraq.

ISIS is an Al-Qaeda offshoot which had found a string of successes in fighting President Bashar Al-Assad's forces in Syria and is now pushing into Iraq, having taken over vast oil rich areas as well as major cities and towns.

The matter was mentioned on what is believed to be an ISIS website.

Follow ups by Malay daily Utusan Malaysia with family members, law enforcement and former militants seem to corroborate the matter.

This follows recent arrests and charging of several Malaysians in the country for alleged links to terrorism as well as several who were picked up by foreign authorities for alleged complicity with terrorism activities overseas.

Police have gone on record as saying that they have been monitoring terrorist activities on our home soil for a time, with terror organisations using Malaysia not only for training but also recruiting locals to join.

If mainstream media coverage and official statements on the matter are to be believed, the rise of terror in Malaysia is one that is becoming a serious matter indeed.

But in itself, militants training, recruiting and operating out of Malaysian soil may be nothing new as it was speculated that Sulu separatists, Muslim Thai insurgents, Acheh nationalists and even members of militant groups in Singapore and Indonesia have found refuge and to a limited extent, operated or hid in the country.

So it is nothing new, if only highlighted now.

Neither is the case of Malaysians involved in militant movements a new trend as it was once fashionable for young Muslim activists to go and join the Jihad in Afghanistan against the occupying Soviet forces and the fight to free Palestine from Israeli occupation.

The atmosphere of Islamic revival in the 60s and 70s saw this happening similar to the current Arab Spring which saw reports of Malaysians fighting in Syria against the Al-Assad regime, in Afghanistan against the US and NATO occupation and other flash points.

The only question is perhaps the way the activity is perceived by the powers that be, labelling them terrorists or freedom fighters as needed.

Malaysian authorities were aware of the militant activities that has been happening in Malaysia for a long time, but perhaps because it was favourable to Malaysia’s foreign policy, there were no immediate need to raise the alarm then.

After all, Muslims in Sulu, Acheh and Southern Thailand were part of the global Muslim Brotherhood which were also pervasive in Malaysia.

And it was Malaysian policy to support Palestine freedom fighters and the Mujahideen of Afghanistan.

Only when it was our ally US that was occupying Afghanistan and when it is a “no no” to see an uprising in Iraq against the US-installed government that we seem to paint the terrorist label liberally.

I guess it was the same with the US when faced with the matter of the IRA in Northern Ireland fighting against British occupation. IRA are terrorists but with backing by funds from Irish immigrants in the US. Sensitivities are thus involved when dealing with their normally hardline stance against terror groups.

But there are advantages to crying wolf over alleged terror activities for the powers that be and making it seem like a serious issue or only highlighting it now when it has always been the elephant in the house.

After all Malaysia has been known to be the hub and transit point not only for terrorism but also illegal finances, drugs and human trafficking for a while now.

The one most useful to the powers that be is to create the scene and set the stage for the reintroduction of draconian laws, to justify the need for arbitrary arrest and detention without trial and give authorities the power to suppress opposition to it by the convenient label of terror-linked. I mean that was how the abuse of the ISA came about in the first place didn't it? SOSMA next?

Maybe terrorists really are training and recruiting in Malaysia, but up until now they do not practise their deadly trade here. Maybe I am more worried about how the Umno-led Barisan Nasional loathe to lose its borrowed office as the government of the day does with this implied atmosphere that we have terrorists in our midst.


KOMEN: Satu rentetan kes baru-baru ini dikaitkan dengan rakyat Malaysia yang terbabit dalam satu gerakan keganasan telah memberi tanggapan untuk mengatakan bahawa ia sudah mula menimbulkan satu masalah yang serius kepada negara.

Terutamanya dengan kebangkitan militan di Timur Tengah baru-baru ini dengan kebangkitan "Arab Spring" yang begitu popular dan pergerakan kumpulan bersenjata yang menggulingkan diktator lama dilihat semakin berakar umbi mengisi belia Islam tempatan dengan seruan perang suci atau jihad.

Pada ketika ramai orang Islam tempatan seperti "hilang punca" dalam pergolakan hidup moden yang tergoda oleh solar kitab Bible yang berkuasa dan diterjemahkan salinan kitab suci Kristian dan terperangkap dalam hari yang cekal untuk hari yang masih hidup dalam keadaan berantakan ekonomi hari ini, perlu ketuk bahu untuk kembali kepada agama yang dilihat menjadi menyumbang kepada puncanya yang merupakan satu rayuan kepada ramai.

Laporan terkini adalah mengenai dakwaan penglibatan seorang pekerja kilang Malaysia dengan wajah baru militan Islam, Negara Islam di Iraq dan Syria (ISIS) dalam satu serangan bom berani mati di Iraq.

ISIS adalah satu cabang Al-Qaeda yang telah menemui beberapa rentetan kejayaan dalam membanteras tentera Presiden Bashar Al-Assad di Syria dan kini menolak ke dalam Iraq, yang mengambil alih kawasan yang kaya dengan sumber minyak yang besar yang terletak di bandar raya utama dan bandar kecil.

Perkara di atas ini telah jelas dinyatakan apa yang dipercayai dalam laman web ISIS.

Berita susulan oleh akhbar berbahasa Melayu Utusan Malaysia dengan ahli keluarga, penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan bekas militan seolah-olah menyokong perkara itu.

Ia berikutan tangkapan baru-baru ini serta beberapa rakyat Malaysia

di negara ini yang didakwa mengikut Kanun Keseksaan selepas disyaki terlibat dalam kegiatan militan dan juga beberapa individu yang ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa asing kerana didakwa bersubahat dengan aktiviti keganasan di luar negara.

Polis telah dilaporkan sebagai berkata bahawa mereka telah memantau dan memburu sebarang kegiatan militan di dalam negara kita dengan organisasi keganasan menggunakan Malaysia bukan sahaja untuk latihan tetapi juga merekrut penduduk tempatan untuk menyertai kumpulan tersebut.

Jika liputan media arus perdana dan kenyataan rasmi mengenai perkara itu boeh dipercayai, kebangkitan keganasan di Malaysia akan menjadi salah satu perkara yang serius sekali.

Tetapi dengan sendirinya, latihan militan, merekrut dan beroperasi di luar bumi Malaysia mungkin perkara baru kerana ia telah membuat spekulasi bahawa pemisah Sulu, pemberontak Thai Muslim, Acheh nasionalis dan juga ahli-ahli kumpulan militan di Singapura dan Indonesia telah menemui tempat perlindungan dan setakat yang terhad, dikendalikan atau bersembunyi di negara ini.

Jadi ia bukan perkara baru, jika ia diberi penekanan sekarang.

Tidak adalah kes rakyat Malaysia yang terlibat dalam pergerakan militan dilihat sebagai satu trend terbaru kerana ia pernah memperlihatkan aktivis Islam golongan muda untuk pergi dan menyertai Jihad di Afghanistan menentang kuasa-kuasa "Soviet Union" dan perjuangan untuk membebaskan Palestin daripada penjajahan Israel.

Suasana kebangkitan Islam dalam 60-an dan 70-an menyaksikan perkara ini berlaku sama semasa Arab Spring yang menyaksikan laporan rakyat Malaysia berjuang di Syria yang menentang rejim Al-Assad, di Afghanistan terhadap Amerika Syarikat dan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (NATO) lain.

Hanya satu persoalan sahaja yang memungkinkan cara aktiviti itu dilihat oleh mereka yang berkuasa, melabelkan mereka pengganas atau pejuang kebebasan seperti yang diperlukan.

Pihak berkuasa Malaysia tahu mengenai aktiviti militan yang telah berlaku di Malaysia untuk masa yang panjang, tetapi mungkin kerana ia memihak kepada dasar luar negara Malaysia, tidak ada keperluan segera untuk meningkatkan tahap keselamatan.

Lagipun, orang Islam di Sulu, Acheh dan Selatan Thailand  adalah sebahagian daripada kumpulan Islam Ikhwan Muslimin yang juga berleluasa di Malaysia.

Dan ia adalah dasar Malaysia untuk menyokong Palestin pejuang kebebasan dan Mujahideen Afghanistan.

Hanya apabila sekutu kita, Amerika Syarikat yang menduduki Afghanistan dan apabila ia adalah "menolak" untuk melihat pemberontakan di Iraq terhadap pembentukan kerajaan AS sementara yang kita lihat seolah-olah memberikan warna sebenar dilabel sebagai pengganas liberal.

Saya rasa ia adalah sama dengan Amerika Syarikat apabila berhadapan dengan pertubuhan ketenteraan Irish Republican Army (IRA) di Ireland Utara berjuang menentang penjajahan British. IRA adalah pengganas tetapi dengan sokongan  dana dari pendatang Irish di AS.  Ia melibatkan sensitiviti apabila berurusan dengan pendirian tegas kebiasaanya garis peraturan ketat mereka terhadap kumpulan pengganas.

Lagipun Malaysia telah dikenali sebagai hub atau pusat transit bukan sahaja untuk keganasan tetapi juga kewangan haram, penyeludupan dadah dan pemerdagangan manusia pada masa sekarang.

Yang paling berguna kepada mereka yang berkuasa adalah untuk mewujudkan tempat kejadian dan menyediakan pentas bagi pengenalan semula "draconian" undang-undang zalim, untuk mewajarkan keperluan bagi penangkapan dan penahanan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa perbicaraan dan memberi pihak berkuasa kuasa untuk menindas pembangkang dengan mudah berkaitan keganasan.

Yang saya maksudkan itu adalah bagaimana penyalahgunaan Akta ISA muncul di tempat pertama, adakah benar ? kemunculan SOSMA akan datang?

Mungkin pengganas benar-benar sedang melatih dan merekrut di Malaysia, tetapi sehingga kini mereka belum mengamalkan serangan maut mereka di sini. Mungkin saya lebih bimbang tentang bagaimana Umno yang menerajui Barisan Nasional  marah kehilangan pejabatnya yang dipinjamkan sementara sebagai kerajaan yang memerintah dikaitkan dengan implikasi  suasana tersirat  pengganas di tengah-tengah kita.

Iraq widens Internet blocks to disrupt insurgent communications (17 June 2014)
Iraq widened a clampdown on social media yesterday, blocking secure private communications channels to prevent Sunni militants from using them in their stunning sweep that is threatening to dismember the country. ... Read more HERE.

Malaysians give up life, wealth to join Sunni militancy in Iraq, says report (17 June 2014)
At least 30 Malaysians are said to have joined an Iraqi Sunni militant group, the New Straits Times reported yesterday, citing intelligence reports. ... Read more HERE.


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